The Green Mountain State has an eviction crisis according to a new report Legal Services Vermont
The Green Mountain State has an eviction crisis according to a new report from Legal Services Vermont. At a minimum of every five years, Legal Services Vermont is required to assess the legal needs of the community they serve. Their latest and most staggering finding is that evictions have increased 45% in the last five years. Rental prices skyrocketed and low-income Vermonters stopped being able to afford rent. federal assistance through Section 8 only has so much money in the pot. As rental prices increase, Section 8 funding stays stagnant and may even be cut under the new administration. Places like the Burlington Housing Authority are now turning folks away from vouchers because they don’t have enough funding. The situation is leading landlords to exit the industry. Without rent, they can’t afford their properties or necessary maintenance. Some convert their rentals into condos or Airbnbs, leading to even less housing on the market.