A program aimed at helping parents suffering from substance use disorder continues to grow

A program aimed at helping parents suffering from substance use disorder continues to grow in Chittenden County. The goal of the Parents in Recovery program is to create a plan to help parents get back on track. Addiction specialists at the Turning Point Center of Chittenden County say participation has gone up 40% since 2022. Parents in Recovery started as a pilot program at the Turning Point Center in 2017 but lost momentum during the pandemic. It grew to a peak of 44 participants last year and is expected to grow again this year. Recovery coach Heidi Hausler says this program is essential for making parents feel empowered in their role in their children’s lives. Hausler says she can meet with as many as eight parents a day, helping them identify goals and milestones in their recovery plan. Much of the work is helping parents get over the guilt they have from using. You don’t need to be recovering from substance use to be in the program. It’s open to those with domestic violence issues, homelessness or who just want to make a change.