An investigation into a recent suspected homicide case in Orange County has led to federal gun charges

An investigation into a recent suspected homicide case in Orange County has led to federal gun charges against a 3-time convicted felon from Bradford. James Nickles Jr., 42, is facing federal charges for possessing a shotgun and handgun this week while being a convicted felon. Nickles also is charged with possessing the two firearms while being an unlawful user of controlled substances. Vermont State Police is conducting a criminal investigation regarding possible charges for homicide, assault and robbery, aggravated assault, accessory in aiding in the commission of a felony and for persons prohibited from possessing firearms. The investigation concerns the suspicious disappearance of Corey Crooker. Crooker, 43, of Bradford, was last seen in January. No homicide charges have been filed. Federal Magistrate Kevin J. Doyle agreed Wednesday afternoon with a government request that Nickles be detained pending further proceedings. The ATF confirmed those firearms had crossed state lines. State police had found Nickles and three others when they arrived at 660 Old Post Road in Bradford on Tuesday to conduct a court-ordered search. Akey told police that Crooker had been at her house but claimed he had left with an unknown woman in a dark-colored SUV.