As swimming fans eagerly await the delayed opening of the outdoor Kiwanis Pool

As swimming fans eagerly await the delayed opening of the outdoor Kiwanis Pool in St. Johnsbury, they received unwelcome news Friday that St. Johnsbury Academy had determined the indoor pool in the SJA Field House would not be repaired or reopened due to use and cost concerns. The Academy Pool was closed in mid-November when a pump failed.  More issues were identified in the ensuing months, and the pool was drained in late January. The pool is part of SJA’s Field House, which opened in 1986. It would cost over $1 million to renovate the pool so it is safe and healthy. On Monday, St. Johnsbury Academy Associate Headmaster John Lenzini explained that commercial pool contractors had indicated that the entire mechanical system must be replaced. The air handlers must also be upgraded, and pool gutters and floor tiling need work.

Given these considerations, re-opening the pool would not be responsible stewardship of the school. A large group of pool supporters attended the St. Johnsbury Select Board meeting Monday night to bring the situation to the board’s attention and hoped the board would recognize the pool as an asset.