Lyndonville Police located a man with four active arrest warrants
Lyndonville Police located a man with four active arrest warrants on Tuesday. Angel Cordova, 25, was later ordered held on $5,000 bail by Judge Justin P. Jiron. Cordova was apprehended by Lyndonville Police Ofc. Jason Harris inside a residence at 66 Main Street without incident. Cordova had three warrants listed in the police database for his arrest for violating conditions of release with a concurrent bail of $200. But after Ofc. Harris brought Cordova to the Caledonia County Courthouse in St. Johnsbury he learned that Cordova had a fourth warrant with $5000 bail that was not listed in the database. Officer Harris then brought Morales-Cordova to Northeast Correctional Complex in St. Johnsbury. Morales-Cordova has been charged with multiple crimes.