Make-A-Wish Foundation is making it possible for 7-year-old to fly to Disney World
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Vermont wish-granters Judy Moulton, of East Charleston and Katy Smith, of St. Johnsbury, is making it possible for 7-year-old Kathryn Waters, her family, and friend to fly to Disney World. It was a wish Kathryn made early in her connection to Moulton and Smith, and now it’s finally coming true. People from three schools celebrated Kathryn and the surprise revelation that her wish is coming true. The Disney-themed celebration happened at Kathryn’s Jay Westfield School. Smith, a faculty member at St. Johnsbury Academy, invited several Academy students to be part of the celebration and asked the culinary students to prepare a Disney castle cake to share. Moulton got 13 dancers from the North Country School of Dance to perform for Kathryn.