Memphremagog Watershed Association (MWA) completed preliminary

 Memphremagog Watershed Association (MWA), in partnership with the Town of Glover and the Glover Community School, recently completed preliminary and final designs for green stormwater infrastructure improvements. The proposed stormwater retrofits will work to slow, sink, and spread stormwater runoff to protect water quality in the Barton River and Lake Memphremagog. The work will include rain gardens, native plantings, and stormwater treatment practices to prevent sediment, nutrients, oil and grease, and other pollutants from entering the waterways. The projects aim to capture and treat stormwater runoff from rooftops and parking lots of the town office, fire department, and library property as well as the elementary school campus. MWA and its partners hope to break ground on these stormwater improvements in 2025.