More opportunities for horseback riding may be coming to the Willoughby State Forest

More opportunities for horseback riding may be coming to the Willoughby State Forest in the Northeast Kingdom. Lisa Lafont, a riding enthusiast from Irasburg  said since she has taken up riding, she has noticed there aren’t enough equestrian trails near her and is one of many who are rooting for more trail access at Willoughby. “You can only ride around your house so many times and then you want to go do something else. And even riding in your own neighborhood, you can get neighborhood dogs that are not friendly, as well as the typical four-wheeler or dirt bike that comes through.” The idea to expand access to the state forest has been in the works for nearly 20 years. Since then, trail riding has only increased in the area, with more groups of people, according to the Vermont Horse Council, of which Lafont is a member.