Most seniors dont strap on a helmet, get behind the wheel, and drive headlong into other cars

 Most seniors don’t strap on a helmet, get behind the wheel, and drive headlong into other cars. But Carroll Mitchell is no ordinary senior. Mitchell, at 80 years old, smashed and crashed his way to a demolition derby title at the Caledonia County Fair. The octogenarian won the heavyweight 8-cylinder class for the first time in his 50 year demo derby career. The runner-up was his 18-year-old grandson, Jason Jr.   He continues to work full-time, seven days a week, up to 12 hours per day at C&M Used Auto Parts, the salvage yard he founded 45 years ago. He says it keeps him fit and healthy. When he was 64, he kicked a 35-yard field goal during halftime of the annual Lyndon Institute-St. Johnsbury Academy football game. He figures it would have been good from 50 yards. And, of course, he continues to compete in the demo derby.