Passumpsic River floodwater along Memorial Drive receded but left a terrible mess

Passumpsic River floodwater along Memorial Drive receded but left a terrible mess in its wake. Business owners and residents worked hard dealing with the damage from flooding that closed over two miles of Memorial Drive for several hours on Thursday. A small section of the road between a Passumpsic Bank branch and the bridge that leads to the Stark District Road was closed on Friday as dump trucks and bucket loaders were used to clean up the road full of mud.

Buildings with flooded basements had hoses leading to the outside with water flowing from them. One resident on Memorial Drive was preparing to pump the water from his basement Friday afternoon. The house, built in 1850, is where he grew up, and said he’s seen the river flood in his front yard before, but he could only think of two other years that rivaled the flood that happened on Thursday.