Two transgender girls can try out for and play on girls school sports teams

Two transgender girls can try out for and play on girls school sports teams while the teens challenge a New Hampshire ban. The families of Parker Tirrell, 15, and Iris Turmelle, 14, sued in August seeking to overturn the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act that Gov. Chris Sununu signed into law in July. In issuing a preliminary injunction, U.S. District Court Chief Judge Landya McCafferty found Tirrell and Turmelle were likely to succeed in their lawsuit. She found that the students “demonstrated a likelihood of irreparable harm” in the absence of a preliminary order. Before the law was enacted, “Parker had been participating in girls’ sports at Plymouth Elementary School and Plymouth Regional High School, and Iris had participated in tennis and tried out for her middle school softball team,” McCafferty wrote. “There is no indication in the record that plaintiffs’ participation in school sports has caused the state or anyone else the slightest of harm.”