Waterford Select Board Rejects ATV Road Access Expansion

The Waterford Select Board has declined to approve all-terrain vehicles road access. On Feb. 10, five motions to open town-maintained roads to ATV traffic failed to pass. Instead, the board implemented minor changes to align the municipal ATV ordinance with state regulations, effectively concluding efforts to expand ATV access on Waterford roads. Weeks earlier, the Select Board hosted a public hearing to gather feedback on potential changes to the ordinance, which currently restricts ATVs to non-maintained Class IV roads. Select Board member Sue Hayes recommended a gradual approach, proposing to open a few roads as a compromise selectively. However, board member Sukey Watson opposed expanded access, citing enforcement challenges and concerns about residents’ health, safety, and quality of life. Originally, the matter was set to be voted on by residents, but the Select Board opted not to include the question of ATV road access on the 2025 warrant.