Police have arrested a suspect in a triple murder in Pawlet

Police have arrested a suspect in a triple murder in Pawlet, and he is the son of one of the victims. Vermont State Police say Brian Crossman Jr., 22, of Granville, New York, was arrested Friday, accused of three counts of aggravated murder. He’s the son of Brian Crossman Sr., 46, who was also a Pawlet Select Board member. Police found Brian Crossman Sr.’s body along with that of his wife, Erica, 41, and her 13-year-old son Colin Taft at their home on Route 133 in Pawlet. They were shot to death. Police say Crossman Jr., the suspect, called 911 to report the incident, saying he had gone for a walk, and when he returned, he found his family dead. Investigators say the home was covered in blood, firearms and shell casings, and that Crossman Jr.’s story was inconsistent. Police say a search of Crossman Jr.’s phone showed searches related to serial killers and unresolved murders. He’s now in custody in New York, where he lives. He is expected to be brought to Vermont to face murder charges.