A Caledonia County Sheriffs Dept. sergeant serving as a court officer was assaulted outside the courthouse

 A Caledonia County Sheriff’s Dept. sergeant serving as a court officer was assaulted outside the courthouse on Monday when he reportedly confronted a man wanted on an arrest warrant. Sgt. Brian Tallmadge needed medical attention after 32 year old Christopher Marchese, (mar-CHAY-see), reportedly resisted the sergeant’s attempt to arrest him on a warrant out of Bennington County.  Marchese had reportedly gone into the courthouse with a family member to file paperwork, and Sgt. Tallmadge learned from court staff that Marchese was wanted on a warrant. Bennington County is looking to prosecute Marchese for two misdemeanor counts of “criminal threatening of a public servant.” Sgt. Tallmadge went outside the courthouse to take Marchese into custody, but Marchese reportedly fought and over powered and injured the deputy. Marchese then got into a vehicle and drove away. St. Johnsbury Police and State Police and the sheriff’s department quickly began a search for him and soon learned that he was in an apartment at the corner of Eastern Avenue and Railroad Street in St. Johnsbury.  Sheriff Hemond and Deputy Patrick McLaughlin were joined by multiple law enforcement members from state police and village police in responding to the apartment building. Marchese was taken into custody without any resistance.