A former school bus driver who stalked and threatened an 8-year-old boy in New Hampshire was sentenced

 A former school bus driver who stalked and threatened an 8-year-old boy in New Hampshire was sentenced to nine years in prison. Michael Chick, of Eliot, Maine, who pleaded guilty in federal court last month to one count of cyberstalking, also was sentenced to three years’ supervised release. Chick worked as a bus driver for First Student, a contractor, and drove routes in the southeastern New Hampshire towns of Greenland and Rye. He was arrested in 2022. Prosecutors alleged he gave a student at Greenland Central School cellphones with instructions to take inappropriate photos of himself, placed tracking devices on his parents’ vehicles and made multiple nighttime visits to their home, according to court documents. The boy’s parents reported what they considered to be Chick’s obsession with their son. Chick continued to contact the boy, according to the court documents. The family reported him to police again after finding two cellphones in a lunchbox in the boy’s room.