A police investigator concluded no criminal charges were warranted after a  Lobster- themed monster truck

A police investigator concluded no criminal charges were warranted after a  Lobster- themed monster truck clipped a power line, causing some scary moments after live wires fell to the ground. Two people were taken to hospitals. Several people were injured Saturday when utility poles snapped and a transformer tumbled to the ground at the Topsham Fairgrounds. Witnesses said some people were trapped in portable toilets, which had wires on them. Topsham Police Sgt. Mark Gilliam’s report released on Thursday said that the driver was trapped in the cockpit because of a live power line and another wire was draped over an injured man on the ground, who suffered a fractured vertebra, was taken to a hospital along with a woman experiencing back pain. Others sought treatment on their own. The driver, Gregory Winchenbach, 51, of Jefferson, told police that his truck had bounced over the dirt ramp several times without incident but that on Saturday afternoon it snagged the power line over the course.. Winchenbach said he couldn’t see the wire from the cockpit of the custom-made monster truck.