A Vermont man faces new charges in connection with the fatal car crash that killed a rookie Rutland Police officer

 A Vermont man faces new charges in connection with the fatal car crash that killed a rookie Rutland Police officer last July. Tate Rheaume is scheduled to be arraigned next week on multiple charges including aggravated murder in the death of 19-year-old Ofc. Jessica Ebbighausen. Police say the 20 yea-old was being pursued by officers when he crashed his truck head-on into Ebbighausen’s cruiser, killing her. Rheaume pleaded not guilty last July to charges of negligent operation of a motor vehicle and attempting to elude police. According to court paperwork, Rheaume’s ex-girlfriend, Jasmine Baker, told police Rheaume had recently stopped taking medication to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. He had already had police contact the day of the crash as he was demanding to see his kids and was blocking driveways with his truck. Ebbighausen began her career with the department just two months prior to the crash and was slated to begin training at the Vermont Police Academy the following month to become a full-time officer. According to the Vermont State Police, neither she nor the officer she was training with were wearing their seatbelts, something required under the department’s policy.