A woman who robbed Dominos Pizza and Subway last summer was sentenced

A woman who robbed Domino’s Pizza and Subway last summer was sentenced on Friday to 20 months to 15 years in prison. Sarah Ann Cowdrey, 33, pleaded guilty to felony assault and robbery with a weapon and two petit larceny cases.  Cowdrey attempted to take cash from Domino’s Pizza with a knife at 250 Railroad Street. But the Domino’s employees stopped the attempted robbery. The day before the Domino’s robbery, Cowdrey robbed the Subway restaurant at 18 Federal Street on July 12. Cowdrey, who will also have to pay $441 in court surcharges, faced a possible sentence in the Domino’s and Subway robberies of one to 16 years in prison and a $1,000 fine.