DUMP is hosting a public meeting

DUMP (Don’t Undermine Memphremagog’s Purity) is hosting a public meeting, “Planning for Vermont’s Solid Waste Future,” on January 29 from 4-5:30 at the  Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier. DUMP is a volunteer environmental organization focused on protecting Lake Memphremagog from environmental threats posed by the Coventry landfill. A Power Point presentation will be followed by discussion, comments and questions. The DUMP Legislative Committee will present an overview of the landfill siting concerns, historical contamination in Lake Memphremagog, and existing evidence of impaired water quality, including what the committee says is cancers affecting 40% of the lake’s Brown Bullhead fish. The presentation will provide information about the need to begin planning now for the expiration of Vermont’s only landfill, which is located on the shores of Lake Memphremagog in Coventry, set to expire in 15 years. DUMP’s volunteers have been raising awareness about the environmental and public-health danger caused by flawed solid-waste policy, and what they claim as the environmental injustice to NEK residents whose trash constitutes just seven percent of the Coventry landfill volume.