If there is one word that can be used to describe Jimmy and Sara Ackermann, it’s resilient

If there is one word that can be used to describe Jimmy and Sara Ackermann, it’s resilient. Although only in their mid-thirties, these hard-working Hardwick dairy farmers have the same work ethic of generations of old-time New England farmers, something that was not lost on the judging committee for this year’s Vermont Dairy Farm of the Year award. Neither was their commitment to sustainability and making decisions to ‘right-size’ their operation to fit both their farm and family goals. The award, which was first handed out in 1962, is a coveted one that signals that the recipient is an exemplary dairy farm, one worth taking notice of for its outstanding herd, quality milk production, enviable pastures and commitment to dairying. It is presented annually by University of Vermont Extension and the Vermont Dairy Industry Association in cooperation with the New England Green Pastures Program to a farm that epitomizes overall dairying excellence. Other finalists for this year’s award, were Liberty Hill Farm, Rochester; Lucky Hill Farms, Danville; and Skyline Holsteins of Derby.