It was a muddy day when a house burned down on Diamond Hill Road

It was a muddy day when a house burned down on Diamond Hill Road in St. Johnsbury. The St. Johnsbury Fire Department responded but could not drive up the driveway after the Engine got stuck in the mud. It was a very long driveway and the house that burned down was on top of a hill. The Engine could not go any further when it got stuck in the mud at the bottom of the driveway. And it took a while to get water up to the house. The house ended up being 950 feet from the Fire Engine up to the fire.” Firefighters had to use an ATV and four-wheel-drive trucks to drive up the hill to get to the burning house. And other firefighters had to put hoses together to reach the house. “It was a total loss, unfortunately,” said Chief Reed. “No injuries. There was nobody home at the time. There were no firefighter injuries…There was somebody that had been there earlier in the day and they just left. It was unoccupied at the time.” The cause of the fire is not known yet. Chief Reed contacted the state police and the State Fire Marshall’s Office and see if they can figure out what happened. According to dispatch, the St. Johnsbury Fire Department responded to the scene and other fire departments responded, including the Lyndonville Fire Department, Concord and the Littleton Fire Departments.