Residents of Little Egypt Road say a pack of vicious dogs has them scared for their lives

 Residents of Little Egypt Road say a pack of vicious dogs has them scared for their lives. Three pit bulls owned by Pat Perkins at 438 Little Egypt Rd. have attacked people and pets, and caused many to cancel walks through the neighborhood. Those living in the area say it’s only a matter of time before something deadly happens. “They’re going to kill someone,” said neighbor Mike Labounty.  The Select Board took strong and swift action on Monday. By a 4-0 vote, the Select Board agreed to give Perkins 14 days to register and vaccinate the dogs and to construct an outdoor kennel area. Afterward, the Select Board ordered that the dogs be restricted to the kennel and the house and leashed when passing between the two. If Perkins fails to comply with those conditions, the Select Board ordered that the dogs be seized. Perkins did not attend the meeting. However, more than a half dozen of his neighbors showed up. While police have only fielded “five or six” reports about the dogs, neighbors described more than a dozen incidents dating back to July 2022. At first, those incidents were minor: The dogs roaming the neighborhood unleashed, getting into people’s garbage, and trespassing on people’s property. However, neighbors said the dogs have become more aggressive and vicious in the last year. Labounty lives across the street from Perkins and said the pit bulls pose a constant threat. He recalled one incident where his dog was so scared it “ran through our screen door” and another where the pit bulls surrounded his wife’s car, trapping her inside. Labounty and others described Perkins as being combative and difficult. Labounty has seen the three pit bulls attack either people, pets, or both on multiple occasions. Labounty said, “The pit bulls are not just getting in a small tussle. These dogs are pinning other dogs on the ground and going for their throats.”