Short-Term Rental Permit Review in Kirby Town

Two property owners who have short-term rentals will have their applications for conditional use permits for their leased dwelling space considered by the Kirby Planning Board at its meeting on Oct. 5 at the Kirby Town Hall. The town last November on Election Day supported a handful of proposed zoning bylaw changes including the adoption of a first-time conditional use review process for short-term rentals to be permitted.  So far Todd Glowa, has permits for the two new rental houses he envisions building, but a second attempt to have one of the homes be larger to allow for additional guests was denied. The original short-term rental has raised ire of neighbors for some time and been the focus of multiple meetings and was an impetus for the planning board to work on drafting short-term rental regulations, an issue a number of communities in Vermont are likewise grappling with. The board is looking to contact other known short-term rental owners to advise them of the Nov. 1 deadline.