Starting in September, Vermont will be able to grant professional licenses to people who meet the requirements

Starting in September, Vermont will be able to grant professional licenses to people who meet the requirements, regardless of their immigration status, in a move supporters hope will ease Vermont’s labor shortage. Republican Gov. Phil Scott signed the bill into law on Monday. The law gives applicants the option of providing a federal employer identification number or an individual taxpayer identification number, instead of a social security number, to obtain or maintain a professional license or certification. Ten other states have implemented some form of this policy. Persistent vacancies across all Vermont industries continue to undermine efficiency and productivity of our local economy and create a supply chain delay in many industries that impacts consumer experiences and businesses. The Vermont Department of Labor reported Thursday the state had over 7,700 open job postings. According to the latest data, the state had an unemployment rate of 2.2% in March. The law extends to over 100 professional roles, including nurses, barbers, social workers, foresters and substance misuse counselors.