The Department for Children and Families announced Friday

The Department for Children and Families announced Friday that the General Assistance Emergency Housing program would continue through a collaboration with participating hotels and motels, which accepted a new negotiated rate of $80 per night. While a handful of hotels/motels opted not to accept the new rate, DCF reported that no Vermonter lost their room due to these negotiations and individuals requiring relocation were moved to alternate hotels/motels within the same geographic area. “This room rate cap is an important tool in our work to provide temporary, emergency shelter for our most vulnerable while moving to more permanent solutions. By reducing the cost we’re paying per room, we’ll be better able to fund this program as we work on other more effective solutions to permanently and safely shelter and house those in need,” said Gov. Scott. This includes the annual shift in our Adverse Weather Conditions policy on March 15, which will make this policy weather dependent.” As part of regular monthly procedures, the DCF sees a natural rise and fall in the population served by the General Assistance Emergency Housing Program based on program guidelines. DCF will continue offering alternative options for Vermonters needing to seek shelter at an alternate location.