The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) purchased a 15-acre island in Island Pond

The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) purchased a 15-acre island in Island Pond and a three-acre lakeshore parcel with support from the Vermont Land Trust. The land is now under FPR management as part of Brighton State Park, which abuts the southern and eastern shores of Island Pond. It is also protected by a conservation easement co-held by VLT and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board that permanently protects public access and natural resources.  FPR bought the island and the lakeshore piece from the John C. Hall Trust, with the support of the Brighton Select Board. As part of Brighton State Park, the parcels will remain open to the public and continue to contribute to the area’s recreation economy.  The iconic island has been at the heart of the community and a scenic and recreational asset for decades. Now in public ownership, it will always remain open and its natural resources will be protected.