Vermonts Professional Responsibility Board recently refused to reinstate a St. Johnsbury attorneys ability to practice law

Vermont’s Professional Responsibility Board recently refused to reinstate a St. Johnsbury attorney’s ability to practice law. Board members determined that “William W. Cobb, Esq. remains suspended from the practice of law in Vermont.” Cobb’s law license suspension began in July 2022 due to multiple acts of attorney misconduct. The initial suspension period was for 15 months, and now that the time has passed Cobb asked the PRB to restore his lawyer status. The investigation into allegations of attorney misconduct by Cobb began in the fall of 2020. Based on findings, the professional conduct panel held evidentiary hearings in October and November 2021. They shared their findings in a report issued May 24, 2022. In reaching their decision to not lift the suspension at this time, members of the PRB concluded that while Cobb took multiple steps to justify reinstatement he had not done enough.