A man who reportedly ripped a taser away from St. Johnsbury Police oficer

 A man who reportedly “ripped” a taser away from St. Johnsbury Police oficer on Friday and fired it at him has a lengthy criminal record, including violence against police.  John Stelzl, 35, of St. Johnsbury, is being held at the Northeast Regional Correctional Facility on $10,000 bail and is scheduled to be arraigned today. He faces charges of disorderly conduct and violating conditions of release.  Stelzl was also wanted by the office of probation and parole. The officer first encountered Stelzl while on patrol near the Three Rivers Path pavilion on Bay Street. The officer reported that Stelzl crossed in front of the cruiser, jaywalking on Bay Street. He was then confronted about the jaywalking offense.  Stelzl misidentified himself as Taylor Hay. Investigation determined Stelzl’s true identity. When the officer got out of his cruiser, Stelzl took off running. “I caught up to him and grabbed him and Stelzl then reportedly resisted. During the scuffle, a crack pipe fell out of Stelzl’s pocket.  After numerous commands to stop fighting, Stelzl was tased. Stelzl then ripped the taser from the officers hand and fired. The officer reported that he was struck by the probes in the leg. The fighting continued and another officer arrived to help control and restrain Stelzl. Stelzl was taken to NVRH by CALEX.  Stelzl has a criminal record that is 50 pages long. He’s got six felony convictions and 30 misdemeanor convictions, including drug crimes and violent crimes such as felony battery on officers and others.