Cody Myott released by Judge Justin P. Jiron went home and beat a woman

Cody Myott was released by Judge Justin P. Jiron in October and then he went home and allegedly beat a woman and an eight-year-old child. But now, Myott, 30, has been charged in federal court for illegally possessing three firearms and removing the serial numbers from the weapons. Myott, who is now being held without bail in state court, was charged in U.S. District Court on Dec. 4. But his initial appearance in federal court has not been scheduled yet. Federal authorities have now placed a detainer on Myott. So even if Myott had his hold-without-bail dismissed, he still can’t get out of jail. The gun issues date back to October 29 when the Orleans County Deputy Sheriff Mark Hinton arrested Myott for violating conditions of release on Farrar Road in Newport. Myott had two loaded rifles and a loaded .45 caliber handgun in his car. The ATF, filed the complaint in December alleging that Myott can’t possess firearms under federal law. But Judge Jiron released him on conditions and Myott was soon charged with felony 1st-degree aggravated domestic assault and two misdemeanor charges of domestic assault. Myott is now being held at Northern State Correctional Facility In Newport.