Defense Attorney Corby A. Gary has filed a motion to transfer Logan Bogie to juvenile court

Defense Attorney Corby A. Gary has filed a motion to transfer Logan Bogie to juvenile court. The defendant is under 22 years of age which qualifies him for youthful offender status. Retired Judge Robert Bent is handling the case but the Caledonia County State’s Attorney Jessica Zaleski is opposing the motion for youthful offender status. Court records report that Bogie, 21, of East Ryegate, illegally shot deer and was assisted by his grandfather, Calvin Bogie Jr., 72, of Barnet, his father, Calvin Bogie III, 50, of Barnet, and Wyatt Roy, 18, of Barnet. Game Warden William Seegers noted that Bogie did the unlawful shooting of five bucks, two does and a bear last fall. Seegers’ affidavit notes that Calvin Jr., Calvin III and Roy allegedly helped Bogie try to get away with his illegal shots. Bogie is facing 18 criminal counts. Warden Seegers noted in his report that a deer that Bogie shot on Oct. 30 was tagged and reported by his grandfather and was brought to a barn on the grandfather’s property while it was still alive. “The videos (from Logan’s phone) showed the buck still alive … panting, with some type of spinal trauma,” the warden noted. Bogie can be seen “petting” the deer, according to the warden, who estimated that the deer was likely alive for 30 minutes between Bogie’s wounding shot and when the deer was killed.