Judge Jiron. “A judge out of touch.”

Essex County Sen. Russ Ingalls sent a message on Friday, June 2 to all his fellow state senators with the subject line reading “A judge out of touch.”

The message expressed the senator’s frustration with Judge Jiron’s decision on defendant Christopher L. Degreenia. Degreenia, 33, of Lyndon, was allegedly caught in a car on Main Street in St. Johnsbury with drugs and a loaded AR-15 rifle equipped with a scope and a 30-round magazine propped up on his knee, according to police. Police said Degreenia was also in violation of his court-ordered curfew and disqualified from possessing a firearm in the State of Vermont due to prior criminal convictions. Degreenia was then charged by the Caledonia County State’s Attorney’s Office with illegal possession of a firearm, loaded gun in a motor vehicle, cocaine possession and violating conditions of release. At Degreenia’s arraignment on June 1, Judge Jiron set conditions of release and bail at $200 and Degreenia was lodged at Northeastern Correctional Complex in St. Johnsbury. But according to the Vermont Department of Corrections, Degreenia is no longer being held in jail.

Degreenia has an extensive criminal record and there were some troubling moments when he was arrested. Degreenia has six felony convictions. 

Sen. McCormack said he was reluctant to comment on a particular judicial decision by any judge because it’s the judge’s decision to make. But he did answer Senator Ingalls’ email. “I think a one word response,” said Sen. McCormack. “I said ‘perplexing.’ I do not understand Judge Jiron’s thinking, but it’s not my call…But he told the committee that he was willing to look at his work, look at questions about his work and he was willing to be mentored by Judge Mary Miles Teachout.