Police Sgt. George Johnson has been placed on paid administrative leave

 Police Sgt. George Johnson has been placed on paid administrative leave while his actions during an arrest in which he was tased are investigated.

Town Manager Chad Whitehead said the Vermont State Police would be investigating Sgt. Johnson’s conduct related to the incident involving John Stelzl on May 10.  Stelzl has a criminal record that is 50 pages long. He’s got six felony convictions and 30 misdemeanor convictions. These past convictions include drug crimes and violent crimes such as felony battery on officers and others.  Stelzl misidentified himself as Taylor Hay. When Sgt. Johnson got out of his cruiser, Stelzl took off running. “I caught up to him and informed him that he was being detained.” Stelzl then reportedly resisted, and Sgt. Johnson pepper sprayed him. During the scuffle, a crack pipe fell out of Stelzl’s pocket, according to the sergeant. “After numerous commands to stop fighting, Stelzl was tased,” Sgt. Johnson stated. Once Stelzl was placed on his stomach on the ground, Sgt. Johnson reported, Stelzl refused to put his hands behind his back and the sergeant wrote he was not sure at the time if Stelzl had a weapon. “I struck Stelzl twice in the back of the head and ordered him to place his hands behind his back,” the sergeant’s affidavit notes. “Stelzl refused to comply. I struck Stelzl in the back and he still refused to comply. I repeated my order for Stelzl to place his hands behind his back and he did not comply. I tased Stelzl in the lower back area using it in the stun configuration and Stelzl finally complied.