The eclipse was a bright spot for Vermonts economy

The eclipse was a bright spot for Vermont’s economy. Vermont Tourism Commissioner Heather Pelham says it could be a $50 million shot in the arm for the state– if not more– with all the visitors. She says what Vermont does well is come together, whether it be for a special event like the eclipse or during natural disasters. So, she expected things to go smoothly because of community connections. “There really is great power in forming connections with local officials and volunteers in communities whether we are celebrating something big and positive, or in our hour of need, we really know who to call, who to get in touch with and those networks are connected to do whatever needs to be done,” Pelham said. The commissioner says the timing was good for Vermont, too– a tourist off-season if you will, and that people will got to see that Vermont is a good place to visit all year.